Grass stains on carpet can be a nuisance to clean to say the least, but if you want to learn how to get grass stains out of carpet you are in the right place.
The key to tackling a grass stain is to blot the area to remove any excess moisture, followed by vacuuming to pick up any loose debris such as grass blades or dirt and then deep cleaning with a solution to tackle the stain itself.
Removing Grass Stains From Carpet: Step by Step
Let’s have a closer look at the steps you need to take to easily remove any grass stain from your carpet.
Blot The Area
If the stain and areas around it appear to be wet or contain excess moisture then this needs to be blotted away with a dry cloth or paper towels first. This will prevent the vacuum from pressing the moisture deeper into the carpet which could result in more staining.
The secret to blotting successfully is to apply the paper towel or cloth gently and work from the outer edges of the stained areas towards the centre.
Vacuum Loose Debris
Now that any moisture and liquid has been removed you are ready to use a vacuum to pick up any loose debris – this could include blades of grass, dirt or any other debris that could be in the area.
It’s important to vacuum before you tackle the stain as this will prevent you from rubbing in any pieces of grass or dirt into the carpet fibres which can actually make the stain worse. Again, start by vacuuming around the stain and then over the stain itself, using a high setting on your vacuum and not pushing too hard into the carpet.
The key here is to let the suction do the work so you aren’t pressing too hard onto the carpet.
Clean With Detergent or Rubbing Alcohol
Now that the vacuuming and blotting are done, it’s time to tackle the stain itself.
When it comes to the stain, there are 2 options for cleaning solutions that you can try – detergent solution and rubbing alcohol.
Rubbing Alcohol
Rubbing alcohol can be bought at most stores, and is a great way to first attempt to remove the grass stain. Simply spray a generous amount of rubbing alcohol directly on to the stain, making sure that it is not absorbing into the carpet backing.
Leave the alcohol to sit for a couple of minutes and then use a clean cloth to blot away the residue. This can be repeated a couple of times to fully remove the stain.
If rubbing alcohol is not lifting the stain, a detergent solution is another alternative that is a bit more heavy duty.
Detergent Solution
Create a detergent solution by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of non-bleach detergent with 1 to 2 cups of warm water in a bowl, depending on how concentrated you want the solution to be.
Add a clean cloth to the bowel and then wring out the cloth so it is damp. Use the cloth and gently rub the stain, rinsing it in the detergent solution if it becomes too dirty.
The stain should begin to lift slowly, especially if you have caught it early, and within 5 minutes of cleaning the stain should be completely gone.
How Long Should You Wait To Remove A Grass Stain?
The longer you leave the stain, the harder it will be to remove. The best time to remove a grass stain from your carpet is as soon as you notice it.
This is because the stain will have longer to absorb into the carpet fibres which makes it more difficult to remove. The likelihood of rubbing alcohol removing a grass stain that has been left a long time becomes significantly lower, and you will likely need to jump right into using detergent.
Why Are Grass Stains So Hard To Remove From Carpet?
Grass stains are notoriously hard to remove, but why exactly is this?
Well, grass contains a green pigment called chlorophyll that is responsible for the green colour of grass. Chlorophyll is used to make chlorophyllin, a copper compound that is an extremely strong dye used to dye various materials green.
Chlorophyll on its own can cause dyeing to various materials, including the fibres of carpets, by soaking into the fibres rather than sitting on the surface.
There is no wonder chlorophyll is used to create the dye chlorophyllin!
Final Thoughts
Grass stains are super common to get on carpet during the warmer months of the year, especially if you have young children or animals that love to get outside.
With the methods above you should be armed to tackle the biggest of grass stain. Please let us know if you have any other methods of removing grass stains from carpet by contacting us here!