How To Remove Harpic Stains From Your Toilet Seat

Knowing how to remove Harpic stains from your toilet seat is actually very easy, but you need to consider which Hapric product you used before you start cleaning to ensure that the chemicals mix together safely.

If the stain has occurred recently and the Harpic product used contained bleach then you should scrub the area with baking soda to remove it. You can use more heavy-duty chemicals for older stains to get rid of them as it can be assumed that any bleach has degraded.

This all sounds a bit confusing at first, but we’ll clear it up in this article and provide you with the steps to easily remove any Harpic stains from your toilet seat in the future.

Let’s jump straight into it.

Why Does The Type Of Harpic Product Matter?

You’ve probably heard the stories of mixing cleaning products together to create potentially lethal gases such as chlorine, and they should be taken seriously.

Some Harpic products, specifically those like the White and Shine Bleach, contain bleach as an active ingredient. Bleach does rapidly degrade in the presence of light and water, but if the stain you are cleaning is quite recent then there is a good chance that some bleach remains.

In this case, you need to avoid certain cleaning agents for removing the stain:

Safety Considerations

Before you jump into the cleaning methods, we recommend that you increase ventilation in the bathroom before you start cleaning. To do this, consider opening any windows or doors nearby and possible turning on the extractor fan.

It’s also recommended to wear gloves, as well as a face mask, for extra safety.

How To Clean Bleach Harpic Stains

If you have used a Harpic product that contains bleach then it is better to play it safe by using a neutral cleaning product that won’t react to any potential bleach that remains on the surface.

In this case, we recommend baking soda mixed with water.

Baking soda doesn’t interact negatively with bleach, and it can be used as a paste to scrub away Harpic stains using the steps below:

1. Create The Baking Soda Paste

Mix equal parts of baking soda and water together thoroughly until a thick paste is formed.

The addition of water will help to break down the bleach when it is applied to the surface, which is another benefit of this solution.

2. Apply The Paste And Leave For 30 Minutes To An Hour

Apply the paste generously to the Harpic stains on your toilet seat.

If the stain is on the level section of your lid you can wrap it in cling film to secure it in place. Otherwise, apply the paste where you can and leave it for 30 minutes to an hour.

3. Scrub The Paste Away

Once the time is up take an old toothbrush and scrub the area until the stain is completely removed.

This shouldn’t take much effort as the baking soda paste will have done most of the work already.

4. Rinse

Take a clean cloth and wipe away the baking soda paste residue.

After it has been removed wipe down the seat with another cloth and a solution of warm water with a few drops of dish soap to remove any remaining residue or dirt.

How To Clean Non-Bleach Harpic Product Stains: 2 Intense Methods

If you’re sure that you didn’t use a bleach-containing Harpic product, or if the stain is very old, you can opt for some more aggressive methods to clean up the stain.

Please note that the non-bleach Harpic products may still contain hydrochloric acid, which shouldn’t be mixed with bleach. This is why non of the methods below include bleach, even though you might expect it to be there.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has a lot of uses around the home, and using it to clean toilets is unsurprisingly one of them.

Mix a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to form a paste and follow the steps as before with the baking soda and water paste to remove the stains.

2. Rubbing Alcohol

Rubbing alcohol is super easy to use.

To start, place a few paper towels directly over the stain. You may need to fold them up, but make sure that they are on the lid and not hanging over into the toilet bowl.

Once in place, soak them in a generous amount of rubbing alcohol and leave it for a couple of minutes. After this, remove the paper towels and scrub the area with a sponge or old toothbrush to remove the rest of the stain.

This can be repeated a few times, and once you’re done wipe down the surface with a clean cloth and warm water.

What If The Stain Is Really Old?

If the stain has been on your toilet lid for a long time, then it is almost a certainty that any bleach has degraded, as well as most of the other active ingredients in the product.

In this case, you can treat the stain like it doesn’t contain bleach and use some of the more heavy-duty tactics that we have listed above.

We still recommend ventilating the area regardless, and if you notice any strong smells or odors then leave the area immediately and seek medical assistance if you notice any symptoms such as shortness of breath or eye pain.

Final Thoughts

There is definitely more to cleaning Harpic stains from your toilet seat than you would think at first, but it really comes down to whether any bleach is present within the stain or not.

If you’re unsure about this, then stick to baking soda. This won’t interact with any bleach and is safe to use in all cases.

Otherwise, you can opt for one of the more aggressive solutions listed above for extra stubborn Harpic stains.